Friday, March 20, 2009

Foosball's not the devil, foosball is for my Robbie!

Robbie wanted to do tackle football for a long time but was not interested in doing any flag football. It kind of worried me because flag is all of the fun stuff(excluding hitting), so I was wondering if he would really enjoy tackle. Well I must say I am a very proud parent as Robbie has taken to tackle like he has been doing it for years. He has blown away all of my expectations and shocked me in his enjoyment of tackling. He says he wants to play defense as he doesn't enjoy the catching and throwing you have to do on offense. I have take a few pictures for your enjoyment. My first boy playing tackle for the first time. What a proud day!

Robbie's ready to run the rock.

Look at the moves baby!

Robbie making the sack, corner blitz style!

I'm so proud of my boy, even without football!

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