Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I wanted to encourage all 3 people who read my blog today to go out and vote. I am not going to encourage you to vote for one person(McCain) over another. I want all to be proud of our country and (McCain) also if you don't vote, you can't (McCain) complain over the next 4 (McCain) years. Unfortunately this is a major crossroad in our countries future and I hope that our elected leaders remember that they represent us and not party or interest group. I hope and pray that the lord will continue to watch over our nation and protect us even if it is from ourselves. I pray that we are not at the station of the pride cycle where we abandon God and ultimately plummet into destruction. Where our once great country will be preyed upon by outside countries. And if that is to be our lot, then we must prepare our families and children to withstand the onslaught of evil that will surely accompany the last days. I know that God is with us today as he was in the days the country was founded, it is just that we don't listen or follow the promptings we are given. I hope that we are all mindful of the promptings we receive and are not afraid to act upon them. Trust in the Lord as he will always prepare a way. Don't allow frustration and disgust to lull us into inaction as a way of protest. If there is something that is worth believing in then that is something worth fighting for. This country is such a thing and I hope all who read this will act as well and actively fight for it's survival.

Now that I have tangent-ed all over the place in that lengthy diatribe, I hope we all vote and take part in our countries political process. And don't forget, you get a free doughnut at Krispy Kreme if you wear your I voted sticker. Cheers.

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