Saturday, May 23, 2009

Honey B Bear.

I apologize in advance for taking so long to post the new pics of our new arrival. I know I promised earlier but I was a little too busy. Anyways, Barrett arrived on Monday and was a strapping 5lbs and 8ozs. Unfortunately he was a facial presentation birth so his face came out first and was severely bruised because of it. His whole right side of his face was swollen and bruised so bad it was purple. His eye was swollen shut and he was unable to open it for 3 days. Needless to say, he is home and we are happy. He is now equipped with a photo-blanket that is helping with the jaundice because of his severe bruising but hopefully he will soon be rid of that and be a normal little baby. I changed the song to Honey Baby because Laura used to think it said Honey B Bear and as our babies name is Barrett or Bear for short, I thought it was a great song to give to my wife and new baby. Enjoy the music and the pics!

He is showing off his glow worm abilities!

All ready to go home.

The whole family, notice Kendra watching tv, she was scared of Barrett at first!

She loves her little brother and so happy to finally be a BIG Sister!

The non bruised side.

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