Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday , Tuesday , Tuesday

Well, the day started out right. I got up with Jace to take him to scout camp at 6:30 a.m. Got dressed in my workout clothes and ran a mile.  I haven't run for about 3 weeks. I ate right and was really craving something sweet or bread-like. Brownies or cookies.  So I started looking up on pinterest some clean eating recipes and re-calculating the amount of calories I had left to eat.

Then I got a phone call from work.

I was so stressed out and so upset that I didn't want to eat anything anymore.  I did do my Wod for the day.  I was thinking of maybe running with Kendra but I scrapped that.  The Wod was a really quick 6 min one again.  So now I'm under calories-didn't even make it to 1200 calories and I know I'm putting myself into starvation mode but I really have no appetite.  So I'm going to just go to bed since I have to get up at the crack of dawn to do stupid things that work calls for.  I did pass up on my husbands M&M's he bought and put on the side of my bed for temptation.  It's great that I'm too upset to eat it.  Hopefully tomorrow goes better.

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